What is ANZAC Day?
Every year on the 25th of April, many Australian families wake up early to be part of “The Dawn Service”, a once a year event that starts the national Anzac Day holiday.
ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC). Because both Australia and New Zealand are part of the British commonwealth, these countries provided soldiers to fight for Britain in World War One. April 25th 1915 is the day that Australian and New Zealand soldiers fought together in Turkey and showed bravery and strength against difficult enemies, making it a proud day for Australian and New Zealand people to remember these brave men and women who gave much for their country.
毎年4月25日は、多くのオーストラリアの家族は早起きをして、The Dawn Service(夜明けのサービス)に参加することから始まります。
アンザック・デーの「ANZAC」とは、Australian and New Zealand Army Corpsの頭文字をとったものです。オーストラリアとニュージーランドは、ともに英連邦王国に属し、第一次世界大戦では英国のために戦いました。1915年4月25日は、オーストラリアとニュージーランド両国が共にトルコに攻め入り勇敢に戦い、多くが命を落とした日で、関わった戦士、男性女性に追悼の意を表す日となりました。
The ANZAC day services are early in the morning, reminding people that soldiers had to be awake and ready at all times. These events are usually held in special places like Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance, a large and beautiful park area.
アンザック・デーのサービスは夜明け前に開催されますが、戦士たちが常に目を覚まし戦地に対応できる状態でなければならなかったことを、今の私たちに伝えるものです。このイベントは、メルボルンの広大な美しい公園の中に位置する、Shrine of Remembranceーシュライン・オブ・リメンブランス(戦争慰霊館)という特別な場所で開催されます。
Special ANZAC day foods and flowers
Before ANZAC Day begins, there are often many places selling Anzac Biscuits and Red Poppies. The Anzac biscuits are hard and dry cookies and are a reminder of the difficult times and foods that the soldiers had to eat in battle. These cookies can be made at home, or bought in shops and eaten.
Another special part of Anzac day are the Red Poppies, or red flowers that are often bought and worn by people showing that they remember the efforts of the soldiers. These red flowers were the first flowers that grew in the ground after battles, and many people believed that they were red because of the blood of soldiers! Today these flowers are bought and placed in special tombs to remember soldiers.
ANZAC Day activities for schools
At every school in Australia, there is always a special event that students can participate together. Each school can have a different way of remembering the brave men and women and it is always a special learning time for Australian students. Sometimes the schools organize visits to local places that have historical meanings, or meet a real soldier and listen to stories, or they can have special homework that makes them find out more about the history of Australia. Other special activities can also let the students place flowers to show their thanks to the old soldiers.
Why not ask your friends how they celebrated Anzac day?
Anzac Day について、オーストラリアの生徒に聞いてみよう!
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