→After school activities in Australia
Undokai うんどうかい(運動会)is a big school event in Japanese schools. It is both similar and at the same time quite different from what Australia schools have for Sports' Day. Let's find out more and see what the differences are similarities are!
Japanese schools spend lots of time to prepare and rehearse each item, which can include marching in and out, folk dances, relay heat races and other competitions.
Students are grouped into two teams, あかぐみ and しろぐみ(red and white team)across all grades and compete against each other.
This is also a big family and school community event. The event is scheduled for a weekend, and schools open their school grounds so that families can come to watch and join in on the day together.
Here are some items they participate in.
Short track heat - ときょうそう(徒競走)
The younger grades will run 25 m and the older grades will compete in the 200m race. You will compete against several other students and race to be the first across the finish line.
Giant ball rolling - おおだまころがし(大玉ころがし)
Each team will line up and form a big chain, then they will roll a giant ball over their heads to pass on to the next person in line to complete the team chain. The first team who reaches the ball to the end of the chain is the winner.
Relay - リレー
The fastest runners in the grade will form a team of 4 people, competing with other teams. Each will run 100M, passing the baton to the next teammate.
Cheering battle - おうえんがっせん(応援合戦)
This is a fun presentation to watch. Each team will show different formation, and perform alongside some drumming and cheering.
Balls toss game - たまいれ(玉入れ)
The teams compete for the number of balls to get into the basket. When the time finishes, they count the balls one by one together, until the winning team is revealed. This is a popular game for the younger grades.
Obento - おべんとう(お弁当)
Each family prepares a special lunch for Undo-kai, and they will share their lunch together as a family.